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STWSD water clarification

Due to incorrect information provided to the Independent Record regarding water quality through the South Thermopolis Water and Sewer District, the article that appeared in the November 16 edition of the Independent Record titled “South Thermop water quetionable” indicates the water quality is much worse than it actually is.

Original information given to the IR shows milligrams per liter rather than micrograms per liter, making the numbers 81.025 milligrams per liter when it should have been listed as .081 micrograms per liter.

With the proper conversion, the district’s water is just .001 micrograms out of compliance. At this time there is no reason for concern over the water’s quality or need for an alternative water source.

The water does exceed the standards, or maximum contamination level, for total trihalomethenes (TTHM) set at .080.

In the notice distributed by South Thermopolis Water and Sewer District, the numbers causing confusion are at the end of the paragraph beginning with, “We are required to monitor your drinking water…” A copy of that document can be found on the Thermopolis Independent Record website at

Information on water quality locally and throughout the United States is publicly available online at Drinking Water Watch at


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