Folks are often disappointed when they come into our office after deadline with a classified ad and are told we cannot fit it in this week, but we’ll be happy to run it next week.
We have firm deadlines for articles and advertising, but maybe we haven’t really explained why or the process we go through to get the paper in your hands on time every week.
For example, the classifieds.
Deadline for classifieds is noon on Tuesday. We put together the classified page on Tuesday afternoon, meaning we have all the ads and someone types them into a computer program and moves things around until they fit on the page.
This process takes a few hours each Tuesday afternoon, and if we accept classifieds later than noon, it sets the whole process back which could mean you don’t get your paper on time.
Also on Tuesday afternoons the publisher is “laying out” the paper – working her magic to get all the articles and adverisements to fit on the rest of the pages. Again, this is a process that takes several hours to complete, and sometimes, if you walk past the office after dark, you’ll see one of us burning the midnight oil to get it all done.
So why do we do everything on Tuesday when the paper doesn’t come out til Thursday?
Well, on Wednesday morning we’re doing the final proofing of the paper, making sure everything is in that is supposed to be, and checking all of the ads to make sure nothing has been left out.
Our graphic designers are working photos while the editor and the rest of the crew are pouring over the pages.
Generally, we have the paper downloaded on the Internet and on its way to be printed somewhere around 10 a.m. on Wednesday morning. After its printed, we drive to Riverton to pick it up and our other crew takes over, stuffing in the ads and flyers and getting everything ready to go to the post office and the stores which carry the paper.
And then we start all over.
Its hard to imagine that it takes so much time to put a newspaper together, but you’re always welcome to stop in and see us to see how we do things. We’re passionate about what we do and always excited to show you how its done!
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