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Dream worlds of 'idealistic progressives'

I read with amusement Mr. Clothier’s recent column detailing many of the wonderful things that “idealistic progressives” have put upon the country. Some are good and were needed. I am the beneficiary of the Social Security and Medicare programs, having dutifully participated (since the law required it) by contributing parts of my paychecks since 1966 to those programs. He even admits that being an idealistic progressive “…probably describes me.” (quote from his column)

Unfortunately, the dream worlds of the idealistic progressives of the past and now in the present are vastly different. The present dream world is fraught with the misguided ideals put upon the country by the current incarnation of the idealistic progressive, a word used by the Democratic Party followers to describe themselves and their agenda. Examples of their agenda show that their ideals are anything but helpful to the country. One example is the national debt. On the day that Obama (the quintessential idealistic progressive a.k.a. community organizer) was inaugurated, the debt was $10.626 trillion. On the day that President Trump was inaugurated, the national debt was $19.947 trillion.

Don’t quibble about “inherited budgets.” Obama added over $9 trillion to the national debt, more than any other president by far, and what do we have to show for it? Not much – millions more on food stamps, millions more living in poverty, millions more unemployed or under-employed, record numbers of workers not in the workforce, and social and cultural decay running rampant. Shall I mention worse race relations than when Obama took office? All and more inflicted upon our great country by progressives in the past eight years.

Another example of the “progress” made by idealistic progressives can be seen in the culture wars. Many big cities like Detroit, Baltimore, and Chicago (all with Democrat mayors) are falling apart. Murder rates are skyrocketing, housing decay is everywhere, unemployment is pitifully high. “Progressive” protest groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa use violence and hatred (aimed at the police mostly) to promote their agendas. The cultural rot has even infected pro sports, with players protesting and disrespecting the flag, the national anthem, and all the veterans past and present who have fought and died to preserve their right to protest.

When will it all end? No one knows. But much of it is now getting better, thanks to the 2016 presidential election.


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