As the seasons change once again, another season comes into play as well — hunting. No doubt those looking to bag a deer, antelope or other game have their spots picked out and have already circled dates and times for when they’re going out.
For the younger hunters, and those adults who have never been on a hunt, this experience is heightened by the prospect of bagging that first animal and the pride that comes from not only a successful hunt but being able to use the meat in recipes, the hide or fur in clothing or just to have a mount to decorate their homes.
Along with the youth and first-timers, there’s certain to be plenty of veteran hunters going into the fields and ranges with an eye out for those trophy animals.
The hunting season is great not only for the hunters, but the community benefits from it as well. Local businesses that provide hunting and fishing licenses obviously will see an increase in traffic, but as people come to the area to scout for and get their animals they’ll also be patronizing our restaurants, hotels and retail stores.
With the past month seeing major events like the eclipse, demolition derby and last week’s Oktobrewfest, Thermopolis has made a lasting positive impression on people not only from around the state and country, but from overseas as well. That positivity springs from the community coming together to make sure events are planned properly and visitors receive a welcome reception.
But just because the busy summer is over it doesn’t mean we have to stop promoting and getting excited about our town. Whether you’re a fan of hunting or not, we can all make sure hunters, if they haven’t already, add Thermopolis as a destination.
Though the cold can sometimes make us feel like bundling up and staying indoors, it’s important we keep the positive ideas and experiences going. Already, boards of the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce and Hot Spring Travel and Tourism, are coming up with ideas for the coming months and well into 2018. Those interested in getting in on the action are welcome to attend public meetings of either of these boards, Thermopolis Town Council or the Hot Springs County Commissioners to share their ideas.
Let’s make Thermopolis a destination not just for one season or another but for the whole year.
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