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2017 hunting forecast

Hunting seasons are underway across the state of Wyoming and in Hot Springs County.

Although most Wyoming hunters are out to fill their freezer, it’s also about stories, making memories and occasionally bringing home a trophy.

The 2017 hunting season forecast for the southern Big Horn Basin has been released by the Wyoming Game and Fish.

Antelope - Pronghorn hunting in the southern Bighorn Basin will likely be better in 2017 compared to 2016. High fawn production during the past three years has translated into more pronghorn and improved hunter opportunity and success. Although pronghorn numbers are slightly below target levels in both the Copper Mountain herd (Hunt Areas 76, 79, 114, and 115)  and the Fifteen-Mile herd (Hunt Areas 77, 83, and 110),  populations are increasing so a few more Type 1 and Type 6 licenses are being offered in most hunt areas.  Type 1 or 2 licensed hunters shouldn’t have a problem finding a good buck to harvest in both Copper Mountain and Fifteen-Mile herds.

  Deer - Mule deer hunting in the southern Bighorn Basin should be better in 2017 compared to last year.  Although mule deer numbers still remain below target levels, we are seeing improving habitat conditions along with good fawn production in most hunt areas.  Because of improving deer numbers, some hunt areas will have more licenses available for both buck and anterless deer hunting. Limited quota areas such as Hunt Areas 37, 119 and 125 should see good hunting, while areas such as 116, 118, 120 and most general license areas will likely be better than past years.

White-tailed deer numbers have improved in many areas of the Bighorn Basin so hunting opportunity and success is improving. Increases in Type 3 and 8 licenses in many areas have been made to increase opportunity where possible. Because of public input during the Owl Creek/Meeteetse mule deer initiative and concern over expanding white-tailed deer numbers, more white-tailed deer hunting opportunity has been offered in Hunt Areas 116-120 in the past few years.

 Elk - Based on 2016 and 2017 winter trend counts, elk numbers in the Gooseberry herd (Hunt Areas 62-64) are approaching herd population objectives due to record high harvest during the past several years.  Although elk numbers are closer to the objective, we are still offering additional hunting opportunity. Elk numbers in the South Bighorns herd (Hunt Areas 47-49) are still very productive.  Based on winter counts, we are still over objective levels but are trending towards our objective, but will again offer ample opportunity for elk hunting in the South Bighorns elk herd. Hunters are reminded to collect blood from their harvested elk for brucellosis sampling and can get blood sampling kits from Game and Fish field personnel or the Cody Regional office. 

Upland birds, small game - Spring and summer moisture typically helps Bighorn Basin upland bird populations so hunting may be better in 2017 compared to 2016. Upland bird hunting in 2016 was down compared to previous years, with many hunters finding scattered numbers of huns, chukars, grouse and pheasants. This past winter was relatively severe through February, so there should be fewer carry-over  birds from 2016 to help with the 2017 production. Bird hunters need to remember, hunting has little to no affect on upland bird populations, and that weather and habitat play a much more significant role than hunting by influencing nesting success and chick survival.

BLM hunting information

While there are nearly six million acres of public land administered by the Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) Wind River/Bighor Basin District, its sometimes hard to distinguish where public land ends and private land begins.

With that in mind, the BLM suggests you prevent any conflicts with private landowners by knowing what the areas are you may hunt in and which lands are public and which ones are private. Its good hunting policy to avoid hunting close to property lines where the game may cross into private property before it can be recovered.

Maps are available at all the BLM offices and GPS software that shows land ownership and hunt area boundaries should be used.

If you need to retrieve your game off roads, remember, that is only permissible within 300 feet of the road and only when resource damage will not occur. That includes degrading the soil, damaging vegetation or archaeological sites, or creating ruts when driving on wet soils.

It may not always be feasible to back your truck right up to that fresh trophy, so come prepared with a game cart, pack frame, a capable friend or horse to help.

Hunting camp is often an integral part of the experience, just be sure not to leave your campsite unoccupied for more than 72 hours as land is in high demand during the peak of hunting season. In addition, you are only allowed to camp 14 days during a 30-day period on public lands.

While it is hunting season for humans, remember it is also hunting season for bears as they prepare for their winter hibernation. Be bear aware, carry bear spray and ensure all food you have in camp is in a bear-safe container. Bears, skunks and raccoons are more than happy to help themselves to your eats while you’re out hunting.

Even though cooler temperatures are beginning, it is still very important to remain vigilant about campfires and such since the potential for fire still exists. Make sure your campfire is completely dead before leaving camp.

Check with the local field office to get the most current fire restrictions in your hunting area before heading out.

If you have any questions regarding hunting on public lands, you may call the Worland BLM Field Office at 307-347-5100.


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