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If you live in Wyoming, without a doubt, somewhere along the line you've heard what a huge issue predators are to livestock. However, unless you are a rancher, you probably don't understand what all of the issues are and what costs they create to the producer.
Federal surveys of the problem produce limited information on Wyoming specifically.
In order to have a better understanding of Wyoming's situation, Dr. John Scasta, Ph.D., from the University of Wyoming took on an investigation into Wyoming livestock predator trends, including information on what mitigation strategies are useful and which do not work at all.
Dr. Scasta is the Assistant Professor and Extension Rangeland Specialist with the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management at the university. The study he did was funded by the Wyoming Animal Damage Management Board.
Ranchers across the state were sent a survey through the University of Wyoming, Wyoming Stock Growers Association, Wyoming Wool Growers Association and the Wyoming Deparment of Agriculture's Animal Damage Management Board. Surveys were returned from all 23 counties, giving Dr. Scasta a more complete overview than any federal survey.
Cattle issues
Ranches which reported tended to be large, with 100 of them boasting up to 10,000 acres. Those with acreage up to 100,000 acres numbered 107, and there were 24 ranches citing more than 100,000 acres.
The 2010 estimates of cattle losses due to predators was estimated at $1.8 million for cattle and calves combined.
Of those losses, 20 percent were attributed to coyotes, 19 percent to wolves, 16 percent to bears and 12 percent to mountain lions and bobcats.
Large carnivores were an issue with cattle and calves, with losses to black bears, grizzy bears, wolves and mountain lions.
For mature cattle, bulls and cows, the greatest proportion of losses came from wolves (39 percent) with unknown predators following with 38 percent. Grizzly bears took a chunk, too, accounting for 11 percent of the mature cattle losses.
Calves, on the other hand, were lost more to coyotes and unknown predators, followed by wolves and grizzly bears.
As one would imagine the predators are very active during calving season which generally runs March through May. Those months in particular show a heightened amount of predation, showing a definite correlation between calving and predators.
Time of year though is not the only thing to take into consideration when it comes to predators. Where the animals are is also a contributing factor.
For instance, ranchers reported rough country, where the landscape is forested or scrubby, also contributes to animal losses. Public grazing allotments also showed more predator activity.
Half of the ranchers also indicated that severe weather conditions, ice, snow and cold, were contributors to predator activity as well.
Sheep report
The 2013 survey of sheep and lamb losses reported over 17,000 head lost to predators, with coyotes accounting for 61% of animal deaths. Bears accounted for 17% of losses, while wolves were responsible for just 7% across the country.
Those losses amounted to about $2.7 million to ranchers.
In Wyoming, however, those numbers are a bit different, showing rams and ewes, as well as lambs, the greatest proportion of losses came from coyotes, 33% and 50% respectively.
For mature sheep the next greatest losses came from wolves, grizzly bears and finally, unknown predators.
Lambs were lost to predatory birds at a rate of 22%.
Again, the highest predation months were those in the spring during lambing season, however, the losses were not just during lambing, but ran the entire year for sheep.
Sick animals and those who were older were also mor suceptible to predators year round.
Foxes aren't generally an issue with cattle ranches, but are generally an issue for sheep statewide. Coyotes are also more of a concern for sheep ranches than cattle ranches, but they do represent an issue for cattle, especially in southwestern portions of the state like Uinta and Sweetwater Counties.
Sheep seem to be the preferred meal for Bobcats in areas like Crook, Converse and Laramie Counties. In Hot Springs County and Lincoln County, black bears are the real threat to sheep.
Birds and other predators
Normally, you wouldn't think about birds being an issue when it comes to livestock. After all, we generally see them picking their meals from the roadkill on our highways, but predatory birds are, in fact, an issue in Wyoming.
Among the surveys returned, predatory birds were a concern to both cattle and sheep ranchers, stating, "Eagles and ravens pick the eyes out of calves and blind them or kill them." Also, "Ravens are one of the fastest growing problems for livestock and wildlife, especially sage grouse."
Mountain lions are a predatory issue in the Big Horn Basin, especially for sheep. Stray dogs are a real concern for cattle on the western border of the state and in various areas are a problem for sheep, too.
Non-lethal predator issues
Along with the loss of animals to death by predator, there are other issues that are observed by ranchers that don't result in the death of animals, but creates an impact on livestock nonetheless.
Ranchers have noticed behavioral changes in their livestock when predators are in the area.
They indicated they could detect higher levels of nervousness in livestock and one-third of the ranchers said their animals became harder to work and harder to gather.
More than two-thirds reported livestock actually changed their distribution, moving from one end of a pasture to another or standing in different areas when predators were around. They also change their grazing patterns.
This can lead to lower weight gains, lower conception rates, lower birth rates and a delay in the birthing season, all of which can lead to monetary losses without the actual deaths of the animals.
Mitigation strategies
So what works and what doesn't when it comes to protecting the livestock?
None of the non-lethal methods suggested by experts appears to work effectively for any species.
Lethal mitigation strategies appear to be most effective across the board.
Guard animals, such as herding dogs, seem to have a moderate effect when it comes to keeping foxes away, but with coyotes they aren't nearly as effective.
Nothing short of lethal means works when it comes to wolves, mountain lions, black bears or grizzly bear.
All the ranchers agreed nothing other than shooting helps with birds or stray dogs.
According to the report, "Funding for losses must be reinstated from the feds who have knowingly removed it when they took back the management of wolves. We will not survive without something. Wyoming must have the lead. Maybe now the Wyoming government has realized that agriculture is an enduring part of our natural resource based economy and our culture."
Ranchers should anticipate upping their mitigation tactics during calving season. In addition, they are likely to deal with predators at the home ranch along with the summer allotments when they move their livestock.
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