On the Record policy
It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Sheriff’s office
Tuesday, Aug. 15
6:30 p.m. Report of suspicious activity in the Spring Creek area. It was a verbal disagreement and the parties were separated.
Wednesday, Aug. 16
8:24 a.m. Report of juveniles on four-wheelers in the Sage Valley area. The juveniles were on their own property and were not breaking any laws.
3:49 p.m. A couple reported what appeared to be clothing in the canyon, though it was found to be trash.
Thursday, Aug. 17
10:46 p.m. Assistance provided to a Wyoming Highway Patrol Trooper who was taking a juvenile subject into custody.
Saturday, Aug. 19
4:21 p.m. Dennis Dale Jones was arrested for alleged driving under the influence.
9:35 p.m. REDDI report, though the driver was located and showed no signs of impairment.
Sunday, Aug. 20
3:01 p.m. Report of subjects walking on the terraces. They were told not to.
Monday, Aug. 21
12:30 a.m. Noise complaint regarding a subject playing a trumpet. No such subject could be located.
10:27 a.m. Deputy responded to a dispute between neighbors with regard to land.
12:38 p.m. Report of a found handgun. The owner returned and claimed the gun prior to a deputy’s arrival.
Police department
Tuesday, Aug. 15
12:25 a.m. Report of an abandoned vehicle, which turned out to belong to someone.
3:06 a.m. Report of an accident. A male driver slammed on his brakes, causing his female passenger to hit her head on the windshield. The female was cited for minor in possession.
1:22 p.m. Report of a California family panhandling. The family was told to move along.
3:49 p.m. A subject was cited for use of methamphetamine and marijuana.
4:07 p.m. Report of a accident between a juvenile on a bike and a vehicle. The bike was run over, but not the juvenile.
Wednesday, Aug. 16
8:26 a.m. Complainant reported seeing subjects climbing through the window of a business. The subjects were actually employees, but had no access to a key for the front door.
12:25 p.m. Anonymous caller reported seeing a drug deal. A male subject was identified and a vehicle owner was later cited for possession of a controlled substance.
7:09 p.m. Report of a family fight. Upon investigation, it was found the parties involved were both in violation of protection orders. Kayla Harman and Jeffery Whitaker were arrested for alleged protection order violations.
Thursday, Aug. 17
2:04 p.m. The owner of a vacant lot wanted to know what could be done to keep people off the lot during the eclipse. He was given several options he could use.
7:59 p.m. An officer located a temporary registration and the owner was contacted.
8:28 p.m. A juvenile female spoke to an officer regarding a previous incident. The subject was intoxicated and cited for minor in possession.
10:21 p.m. A transient subject was located at the state park pavillion. Jesse Montanez was arrested for alleged use of a controlled substance.
Friday, Aug. 18
10:38 a.m. Report of a nuisance yard.
11:55 a.m. A trailer was tagged as abandoned.
2:38 p.m. A civil standby was provided while a subject obtained her belongings from a residence.
3:22 p.m. REDDI report on a female subject. The subject was located and determined not to be under the influence of alcohol.
4:40 p.m. Report of two female subjects arguing. Both were spoken to.
5:12 p.m. Michael Abrams was arrested on a Park County warrant.
5:20 p.m. Report of a nuisance yard.
7:46 p.m. Complaint of a vehicle parked on personal property. The owner was contacted and moved the vehicle.
8:38 a.m. Report of a bat caught at a house. The caller was told to contact Game & Fish.
Saturday, Aug. 19
8:50 a.m. A female subject picked up a dog, and planned to keep it a couple days until the owner could be located.
12:17 p.m. A subject called worried about a neighbor who had not been seen for a week. It was found the neighbor was working out of town.
1:07 p.m. Report of a lost purse at a business. The owner was contacted and picked it up.
3:01 p.m. Report of a traffic offense, though the call was found to be unsubstantiated.
9:04 p.m. Report of a rock kicked up from the demolition derby breaking a mirror on a car.
11:53 p.m. Three juvenile subjects were cited for minor in possession.
Sunday, Aug. 20
1:15 a.m. Report of a female subject stating she was going to lay on the railroad tracks. The subject was located and found to be intoxicated. A second party was contacted to get her home.
2:40 a.m. A female subject with luggage and an umbrella was found sleeping near a dumpster, and was given a ride to another location.
8:22 a.m. Report of a lost cell phone.
10:05 a.m. Report of a dog at large. The owner was contacted and picked up the animal.
10:12 a.m. Complainant reported fraudulent charges on a credit card.
7:10 p.m. Report of an offensive sign in the street.
8:15 p.m. Caller was concerned a juvenile subject had been gone over an hour. The subject had returned home prior to officer’s arrival.
Monday, Aug. 21
6:07 a.m. Report of a dog at large. The animal was taken to the vet.
8:41 a.m. Report of a possible suicidal subject.
9:37 a.m. Report of a struck dog, which later wound up passing away.
11:50 a.m. Report of a dog at large. The animal could not be located.
2:22 p.m. Report of vandalism. A female subject returned to her home to find a window had been broken.
Circuit court
Samantha Lopez was bound over to District Court on a charge of causing bodily injury to a peace officer.
Joshua Hunt was found guilty of threatening to inflict death by phone calls or other electronic or written communication and was sentenced to 180 days in jail with 180 days suspended and one year supervised probation. Fees and fines are $190.
Christopher Decker was bound over to District Court on charges of child where meth is stored, ingested or possessed and two counts of child where meth is manufactured or sold.
Shyam Nepali was found guilty of possession of a controlled substance and was sentenced to 45 days in jail with 45 days suspension and six months unsupervised probation. Fees and fines are $205.
Jesse Montanez was found guilty of two counts of use of controlled substance and was sentenced to 180 days in jail with 180 days suspension and six months unsupervised probation. Fees and fined are $255.
Antonio Vanore was found guilty of possession of a controlled substance, unauthorized use of vehicle and failure to report over $1,000 in property damage or injury. He was sentenced to 30 days in jail with 30 days suspension and six months unsupervised probation.
Property transfers
Warranty Deed: Chad Block to Nola Ibach, Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 1, Original Townsite to the Town of East Thermopolis.
Warranty Deed: James Miller and Judith Miller to Michael Miller, a portion of the West 200 feet of the South half of the East 400 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 95 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Memorandum of Sale Agreement: James Miller and Judith Miller to Walter Glon and Deanna Glon, the South 317.5 feet of the West 200 feet of the South half of the East 400 feet of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 95 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Warranty Deed: Reese Owsley to Ream Rentals, LLC, Lots 11 and 12, Block 18, Kinney’s Second Addition to the Town of Thermopolis.
Quitclaim Deed: Lance Finsh and Judith Finch to Lance Finch, the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter, Section 23, Township 42 North, Range 95 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Warranty Deed: Charles Snell and Peggy Snell, as Trustees of the Charles E. Snell and Peggy L. Snell Family Trust, to Charles Snell and Peggy Snell, Co-Trustees, or their successors of the Charles and Peggy Snell Family Trust, the North Half of Lots 13 and 14 in Block 15 of McManigal’s Third Addition to the Town of Thermopolis, Lot 62 of the Sage Valley Subdivision and the East Half of Lot 15 and all of Lots 16 and 17, Block 3, Hillberry’s First Addition to the Town of Thermopolis.
Decree Establishing Title to Property: Lots 11 and 12, Block 18, Kinney’s Second Addition to the Town of Thermopolis, along with various personal property, is awarded to Reese Owsley.
Decree Establishing Title to Property: An undivided one half interest in Lot 27, Candy Hills Subdivision to the Town of Thermopolis is awarded to Mona-Loa Hudik.
Warranty Deed: Mary Bury and Bridget Bury to Mary Bury and Bridget Bury as joint tenants, Lot 13 and the West Half of Lot 14, Block 68, Ryan’s Second Addition to the Town of Thermopolis, and the Lot 17, Bock 1, Waldorf Acres Addition to the Town of Thermopolis.
Warranty Deed: Timothy Crawford to Jerry Hines and Rose Hines, Lot 2, Block 4, Sunnyside Acres Subdivision.
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