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Community encouraged to participate in county fair

Hot Springs County Fair is fast approaching! The fair board is calling for entries for building and livestock open class exhibits. The community is encouraged to enter their exhibits. There are plenty of classes in which to enter, including: Grain, Forage, Crops & Vegetables, Horticulture, Livestock, Poultry & Rabbits, Apiculture & Wool, Dogs, Cats, Culinary, Flowers & Plants, Needlecraft, Photography, Paintings & Drawings and Arts & Crafts. So if you have a beautiful quilt that you made, a photograph you took, flowers or delicious vegetables in your garden bring them on down to fair and show them off. You may enter as many items as you would like but are only allowed one entry per individual class.

There are HSC Fair books, with all the open classes listed, available at the extension office or for more information you can call Valerie Mead at 864-4091. Open Class Building Exhibits may be entered at the fair building Mon. July 31 at 5-8 p.m. or Tues., Aug. 1 at 8-11 a.m. If you would like to enter animals or livestock (beef, swine, goats, poultry), cats, dogs or rabbits the deadline for entering them is Friday, July 22 at the HSC Extension Office by 5 p.m. Youth under the age of 8 years old may also show animals and livestock in open class. Entries for those would also be appreciated by the July 22 deadline.

So go to the HSC Extension Office, pick up a fair book, look through it, then search your house, yard or garden and bring those entries to fair. Whether you plan to enter fair or not the public is invited to come to the fair building Tuesday, August 1 from 4-8 p.m. to view the many indoor exhibits and see what color ribbons the judges awarded. The building will also be open from 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Wednesday through Friday.

Don’t miss all the other fair action including the horse show, dog show, shooting sports competition, pig wrestling, sheep show, goat, rabbit & poultry show, kiddie pet parade, family fun nite, swine show, kidz water gamez, chili cook-off, beef show, 4-H & FFA round robins and last but not least the Junior Livestock Auction and Judges Choice Bake Sale.

Most of the 4-H and FFA members have been working on their projects or animals for many months with fair being the culmination of their projects.

Even if you are not a country, 4-H or FFA type person, please come over to the fairgrounds and take a look around or even stay for a show. All events and shows are free to the public with the exception of the pig wrestling. If you are looking to put a little meat in your freezer or baked goods on the table bring your wallet and join us for the Junior Livestock Auction and Judges Choice Bake Sale Friday, August 4 at 7 p.m.


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