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Still more summer to go

It’s no secret that big chain stores and even some smaller businesses quickly get their products for the next season or holiday out just as soon as the current one passes, in some cases before it does. Seeing Christmas decorations next to Halloween candy or plastic eggs next to heart-shaped boxes of chocolates is pretty common these days.

And that push to get products out has spread to summer vacation as well. No sooner do the colors and sounds of Independence Day fade and already shelves are stacked with the newest notebooks, folders, pens, backpacks. In many stores, floor displays show off dorm room furnishings. And, of course, there’s plenty of “Back to School” signage everywhere.

While it’s good to keep in mind that summer vacation is coming to a close and it’s time to start making those lists of the supplies you need if you’re so inclined, don’t forget there’s still another six weeks to go before those first bells ring, and there’s still plenty of activities happening in the area to take advantage of.

If you’re athletically inclined, or just want to try something new, the golf course has a couple tournaments this weekend, and there’s an archery shoot happening at T-Hill. Want a way to cool off as well, check out the MoveOpolis slip-n-slide kickball tournament at the State Park the next couple Wednesdays. Even if you don’t participate, it can be just as much fun to sit back and cheer those who do.

For those who lean more toward the artistic or historical side, keep in mind the regular ArtStrolls and the Gift of the Waters Pageant and Big Horn Basin Folk Festival next month.

And who can forget the eclipse, the once-in-a-lifetime event that’s going to have people coming from all over the world to Wyoming and Thermopolis. The event will definitely be the highlight, but in the days before there’s sure to be plenty — including the annual demolition derby — to keep us entertained.

Even if you don’t plan to attend any scheduled events, take the time for a stroll, a catch, a swim, camping or any other activities that get you out and enjoying the season.

So, while it can be hard to ignore the flashy signage and looming shelves full of supplies reminding us the school year isn’t too far away, don’t forget there’s still plenty of summer left.


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