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Battle of the Bighorns barrel racing coming to town

It’s the Battle of the Bighorns Kick ‘Em Up Cans barrel racing competition, coming to Thermopolis Friday, July 14 through Sunday, July 16.

The Battle of the Bighorns began in Wright in June, followed by a second competition in Buffalo, with Thermopolis being the culminating event. More than 30 riders have been competing in the trifecta for cash and other prizes, including a saddle.

There are four divisions for the competition, Pee Wees for those six and under, a youth division for ages 15 and under, senior competition for those 50 and over and an open class where all ages compete against each other.

Things will kick off in Thermopolis at 6 p.m. Friday with a jackpot race. On Saturday, there will be exhibitions at 9 a.m. with racing starting at 2 p.m.

Sunday’s exhibitions will begin at 8 a.m. with competition starting at 10 a.m. Awards will be handed out after the close of competition on Sunday.


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