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Cheers to the red, white and blue


Once again, the Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department entertained the crowds with a spectacular fireworks show.

Sometimes, they don’t get all the credit they deserve for putting on the annual Fourth of July festivities, but a big “Thank You” to the guys for gathering all the donations from local businesses and individuals, making all the arrangements for the show, ordering in the fireworks and creating a safe space for folks to set off their own whizzers, bangers and sky rockets.

Instead of spending the holiday with their own families, they are often racing here and there for grass fires and accidents over the 4th, all for free.

Many spend their vacations going to trainings to become better firefighters rather than going to Disneyland.

We can be thankful for lower insurance rates because of their fast response to house fires, grass fires and accidents.

In the middle of the night you’re thankful they are there. It’s a comfort to see our local men running in as we run away. Those familiar faces are a blessing in our worst times.

Cheers to the red, white and blue, fireworks and firefighters!


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