On the Record policy
It is the Independent Record’s policy that all people arrested or cited under the “Accidents,” “Sheriff’s office” or “Police department” in the On the Record section are presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Fire department
Tuesday, June 20
5:45 p.m. Hazmat spill in the 500 block of Broadway.
8:03 a.m. Accident at Highway 120 and Black Mountain Road.
Friday, June 23
12:40 p.m. Grass fire in the 600 block of Sunnyview Drive.
6:13 p.m. Grass fire on Black Mountain Road.
Sunday, June 25
7:52 p.m. Grass fire at Kirby.
Sheriff’s office
Tuesday, June 20
11:13 a.m. An assist to another agency was requested at a one-vehicle rollover on Highway 20 South. The call was cancelled en route.
1:23 p.m. Complainant reported another person’s cows were in a field where they didn’t belong. The cows were moved to their proper pasture.
2:21 p.m. Report of goats out on Highway 20 North. The owner was contacted, and was in the process of putting the goats away.
Wednesday, June 21
4:44 p.m. Caller reported a vehicle travelling at about 40 miles per hour on East River Road. The suspect vehicle could not be located.
11:18 p.m. Report of a suspicious vehicle in the area of Lane 3. The deputy checked on the vehicle, but didn’t fined anything suspicious.
Thursday, June 22
4:31 p.m. Report of a dog jumping out of a vehicle in the 900 block of Shoshoni. The animal could not be located.
Friday, June 23
12:34 p.m. Complainant reported goats out on Highway 20 North. The goats were in their pasture when the deputy arrived.
Saturday, June 24
10:52 p.m. REDDI report of a vehicle all over the road near mile marker 136 on Highway 20 North. The suspect vehicle could not be located.
Sunday, June 25
10:48 p.m. Subject reported being harassed and threatened, largely through text messages.
Monday, June 26
2:48 p.m. Deputy received a request to serve a trespass notice on a subject. The deputy has given a verbal trespass notice to the subject, which carries the same weight as a written notice.
8:57 p.m. Report of a flatbed truck on the side of the road near mile marker 37 on Highway 120, and a male subject chasing a juvenile. The vehicle and subjects could not be located.
Police department
Tuesday, June 20
8:33 a.m. Report of a subject slumped over in a vehicle. The subject had a headache and stopped to rest.
1:03 p.m. A bicycle that had been abandoned was recovered.
6:09 p.m. Complainant reported a dog in distress in a vehicle. The officer noted the vehicle windows were rolled down, but only to where the dog could not get out. The dog had water and did not appear to be in distress.
7:48 p.m. Report of a parked vehicle blocking an alley. The phone number on the truck was called, and the owner said he had been working in the area but left.
10:05 p.m. Mildred Fraser was arrested for alleged second-offense driving under the influence.
Wednesday, June 21
8:55 a.m. Subject noticed a sprinkler running at a neighboring property running for a long time and requested a welfare check. Contact was made with the property owner, who was OK.
3:53 p.m. An assist was provided to Department of Family Services for a welfare check.
4:41 p.m. Kendra Wozney was arrested for alleged second-offense driving under the influence.
5:39 p.m. Report of dogs being left out and unattended with no food or water. Contact was made with the property landlord, who planned to speak to the tenants.
Thursday, June 22
1:16 a.m. Jake Maksin was arrested for alleged possession of a controlled substance.
9:47 a.m. Report of a subject driving on the sidewalk in the 400 block of Broadway. The subject was cited.
11:35 a.m. Report of a theft which is under investigation.
12:29 p.m. Two subjects have an ongoing issue with a former co-worker and were concerned of possible harassment.
12:59 p.m. Megan Raczon was arrested for alleged protection order violation.
2:10 p.m. Report of a protection order violation. The matter was forwarded to the county attorney’s office.
4:19 p.m. Complainant reported two subjects walking along the street who appeared to be in an argument. Upon contact, it was learned there was no argument, though one of the subjects was letting off a little steam.
4:30 p.m. Report of a dog jumping a fence and getting separated from its water. An officer was able to get the dog back inside the fence.
Friday, June 23
6:53 p.m. A found bag was turned in.
7:01 p.m. Report of a lost wallet.
7:05 p.m. Two subjects were in a verbal argument. One party did not want the other to return, but also did not want him served with a trespass notice.
7:13 p.m. Subject reported someone had broken into a freezer. Nothing was missing.
7:35 p.m. A business reported a customer creating problems. A trespass notice was filled out to prevent the subject from returning.
Saturday, June 24
12:38 a.m. A subject reported a hit and run accident, though this was not the case. He had caused the damage himself, but he was borrowing the vehicle and did not want the owner to find out.
10:28 a.m. Report of a camper stuck under the railroad bridge entrance to the state park. The driver was able to back the vehicle out.
5:08 p.m. A civil standby was provided so a subject could retrieve some property.
7:12 p.m. An officer observed a subject needing to be served with a trespass notice. The subject ran, and could not be caught by the officer. The matter was forwarded to the county attorney’s office.
10:38 p.m. REDDI report, though the driver was contacted and put through field sobriety maneuvers, and was found to be not intoxicated.
Sunday, June 25
12:22 a.m. Report of loud music, which had abated prior to officer’s arrival.
1:23 a.m. Caller reported a subject behind a bar firing a weapon. The subject had left prior to the officer’s arrival. The officer obtained permission from the sheriff’s office to chase the subject outside of town, but after going as far as the canyon was unable to locate the subject.
5:25 a.m. Report of horse on the baseball fields. Contact was made with a rodeo representative to get the horses corralled.
5:32 p.m. Report of a dog in a vehicle. The windows were open, and the temperature inside was not very hot. The owner was contacted and took control of the dog.
Monday, June 26
11:23 p.m. Report of a tall, suspicious subject wearing a head lamp. The subject could not be located.
Circuit court
Rebecca Owiti was found guilty of possession of a controlled substance and was sentenced to 90 days in jail with 90 days suspension and one year supervised probation. Fees and fines are $740.
Property transfers
Quitclaim Deed: George Bloomquist to George Bloomquist, Kaden Bloomquist and Bailyn Bloomquist, The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 14, and the Northeast Quarter and the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 23, Township 41 North, Range 91 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Warranty Deed: Mary Baker to Elizabeth Accurso, Lots 21 and 22, Block 17 of Kinney Second Addition to the Town of Thermopolis.
Warranty Deed: Burkhard Pohl to Tate Adams and Shawnda Adams, Tract 6, Gebo I Subdivision.
Sheriff’s Deed: Sheriff to M & T Bank, the west 66 feet of Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 58, Ryan’s Addition to the Town of Thermopolis.
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