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Rodeo kicks up dust

It’s time to strap on the saddles and spurs again, for the annual Thermopolis Cowboy Rendezvous Rodeo, this weekend at the Hot Springs County Fairgrounds.

Rodeo activities kick off on Friday at 9 a.m., with the Rodeo Slack at the fairgrounds. Admission to the event is free. At 5:30 p.m. the same day, the rodeo gates and the vendor alley open. Food and other items will be available for purchase.

The rodeo action officially gets underway at 8 p.m. Friday night, with the Patriotic Night at the fairgrounds. Red, white and blue are the colors for the evening, honoring veterans and those currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces.

On Saturday, head downtown to check out the rodeo parade. The staging area will be along Sixth Street, south of Shoshoni. The parade will travel north along Sixth to Broadway, then east to the VFW. This event includes the popular running of the bucking horses, and people are reminded to stay behind the tape lines for their safety, as these horses are wild.

Make your way to the fairgrounds at 1 p.m. for the Chuck Mead Memorial Pack Horse Race, an event that tests skill and speed, as contestants load their horses with food and other items, run them and unload the pack as quickly and carefully as they can.

At 8 p.m. Saturday, it’s rodeo time again with the Tough Enough to Wear Pink theme. Those attending are encouraged to show off their pink duds in support of those battling cancer.

Head back to the downtown area for a street dance after the rodeo performance until midnight. The area for the dance is the north side of Broadway, from the stoplight to Town Hall. This is to allow the south side of Broadway to remain open for emergency vehicles. Businesses are welcome to stay open during the dance if they choose.

For more information on the weekend’s events, check out


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