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Travel and Tourism looks at site, guides

Tuesday afternoon, Hot Springs County Travel and Tourism discussed the website,, as it is not mobile friendly or responsive. Director Amanda Moeller said she was referred to one company for a site update, but she wanted to bring it before the board for discussion as to a possible redesign. Moeller noted people these days tend to pull up information on their phones, and the site doesn’t work well on mobile devices.

Moeller further explained June’s meeting is the last for the fiscal year, and there is not really enough money for a new site. It was decided to table a final decision regarding a website redesign until the next meeting, until the board has the official budget.

Moeller also raised concern that they are almost out of visitor guide brochures. She explained they ordered 40,000 a year ago, and they are nearly gone. She had eight boxes of them a month ago, she said, but they have gone quicker than expected to businesses and other locations that want them and she now has only one box left. As a result, there is no budget for guides.

Moeller said she hears a lot of compliments about the layout of the guide, though she noted there are some edits that need to happen.

In other action, the board approved Moeller to purchase a laptop and external hard drive, not to exceed $2,500. Moeller explained the current laptop recently crashed. She had no access to email, and the computer would not restore the last backup. After discussion, the board decided the new computer and hard drive would help ensure important information is not lost.

Also at the meeting, the board formally accepted the gift, from the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce, of the Hessenthaler billboard south of town. Moeller noted Travel and Tourism had accepted the gift, but a formal motion was required. Moeller has also been in contact with Kent Hessenthaler to discuss a lease agreement for the board. The current lease is up July 17.

A contract with the chamber of commerce was also approved, to allow for provision of staff at the chamber office on weekends and holidays.

Moeller provided an update regarding the commercial spot and promotional video Durward Jones is putting together. The board agreed to enter a contract with Jones, not to exceed $4,500, for the projects. Moeller reported Jones, who is with the National Guard, has been called to active duty and since sent to Cheyenne. Also, Jones has stated he’s been trying to get some footage but the Wind River has not been cooperative lately and he’s looking to get a drone for some aerial shots.

Moeller said she expressed to Jones, on behalf of the board, that they will be patient and allow more time to get the project done.

Moeller also pointed out there is still a vacancy on the board for East Thermopolis. This is a three-year “at large” position, and there is no requirement to live or work in East Thermopolis. Anyone interested in the position can send a letter to Moeller or to the East Thermopolis council.

Another topic of discussion was the space at the Hot Springs County Museum Travel and Tourism uses for meetings. Moeller said the space is provided at no cost, and recently she was approached by a museum board member, who requested use of the Hessenthaler billboard for advertising.

Moeller explained Travel and Tourism cannot spend money to advertise for a private company, but suggested a partnership with the museum in which Travel and Tourism might provide new vinyl for their signs.

Concern was raised that, if they provide this for the museum, they will be approached by every non-profit with the same request. It was suggested Travel and Tourism might look at other avenues, such as paying a one-time fee in exchange for use of the museum space.


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