Since 1980 the Make a Wish Foundation has been granting the wishes of terminally ill children across the U.S. Make a Wish Wyoming was started shortly after, in 1985.
More than 530 wishes have been granted through the Wyoming organization, all because of generous donations.
Your chance to donate or participate is coming to Thermopolis with the Tour de Wish 5k Ride, Run and Walk, inspired by the first recipient, Brian, from Gillette who’s wish was a BMX bike.
The event will be held in Hot Springs State Park on June 24. Open registration will begin at 9 a.m. at the Kiwanis shelter, followed by a ride/walk at 10 a.m.
Adults may participate for $15 if they pre-register or $20 the day of the event. Children 10 and under may join for just $5.
To pre-register, please go to For more information on the Tour de Wish, please call 307-234-9474.
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