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Students treated to Farm to Table day

Teaching kids about where dinner comes from

Students from Ralph Witters Elementary and Risen Son Christian School found out a bit more about where dinner comes from during the Farm to Table day last Thursday.

A joint effort between the school district, Farm Bureau and the Pioneer Association featured folks from the University of Wyoming Extension Service and local growers who gave students a deeper understanding of where their food comes from.

Students from Thermopolis Middle School who raise animals brought pigs, sheep and cattle to the fairgrounds for the day, showing the youngsters not only how to show animals, but filling them in on what they actually weigh, what they feed them and why its important to buy meats that you know came fresh from the farm.

Along with the animals, they were shown the different cuts of beef and which area of the cow their steak came from and what part of the pig they ate if they had ham for Easter dinner.

They discussed different fruits and vegetables, learned the ins and out of bee keeping and even got to make their own butter from scratch.

Their day culminated with a delicious lunch using many of the things they had just learned about, including the fresh butter.


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