Main Street Thermopolis is working on a few things for this summer, including a celebration for the downtown buildings slated to turn 100 this year.
At their meeting last Thursday, the committee discussed getting the building inventory completed by July 1.
The inventory will include current owners, size of the building and any history they can gather.
Octobrewfest will be coming this fall, with a beer garden, vendors of all sorts and fun and games for the entire family.
With so many buildings celebrating their 100th birthday, the group thought a great theme for this year’s event could be a birthday party.
As you drive through Wyoming you may notice signs by the side of the road indicating that section of road is maintained by certain groups.
Main Street Thermopolis is checking in to getting a section of highway coming into town that they can be responsible for. That means they would be out periodically cleaning along the sides of the road and the sign would indicate Thermopolis is a Main Street town.
They also discussed the possibility of starting something similar in town with an “Adopt a Block” program where businesses or civic groups could choose a block to be responsible for.
Details would have to be worked out as to what people would be responsible for, like weeding, and they will have to check with the Town to see if putting up small signs would be possible.
At their next meeting, June 22, the group will be setting their budget for the year as well as voting on officers.
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