I hope that the title of this column got your attention! It is an ill-kept secret that Thermopolis has a lot going on, and there are several different versions as to what the facts are. In an effort to communicate with the public, and put out the true facts of what is happening around the community, this column will be a weekly opportunity for nonprofits and clubs to toot their horns and inform. The basic rules will be simple: keep your column between 200-400 words, and keep it clean. This is NOT Thermopolis Confessions!
To kick things off, I invite those involved in our town’s many upcoming events to share something that we already do not know (but think we might) about what is planned for the summer. What does it take to be on the Thermopolis Cowboy Rendezvous PRCA Rodeo Committee, or get involved with the Smoking Waters Art Guild? Any news at the Hot Springs State Park? How about the Human Resource Council? Maybe you have a new club or event that needs a shout out – tell us all about it.
For those not interested in writing a column, but in reading one, stay tuned. The regular column will keep you informed on what interests you, and you might learn about a group you never knew existed. For all you guys that sit in one or more of the local coffee klatches, this column might serve as a great conversation starter!
Please submit your column material to Thermopolis Independent Record Editor, Mark Dykes, at editor@thermopir.com by noon on Tuesdays. The goal is to have a different organization’s column each week, so please don’t be discouraged if you do not see your submission the week you send it in. Keep in mind that your submission will be edited for content. The editor will have the final discretion to print your piece. Let’s all have fun with this and get our community more involved in what all of these organizations are up to!
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