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Free entrance at Boysen on June 3

In conjunction with the Wyoming Game and Fish Department’s Free Fishing Day on June 3, the daily use fees are waived at all parks/recreation areas that provide angling.

Boysen is among the Wyoming State Parks locations offering free entrance. Additional locations are: Buffalo Bill, Curt Gowdy, Edness K. Wilkins, Fort Phil Kearney, Glendo, Guernsey, Keyhole, Seminoe and Hawk Springs.

Fishing opportunities are also available at Hot Springs State Park, which offers free entrance year-round. Other such sites are Bear River, Medicine Lodge and Sinks Canyon. Camping fees are not waived.

Free Fishing Day is offered annually by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and involves lakes and reservoirs throughout the state. The day applies to all waters in Wyoming with the exception that fishing licenses are required in Yellowstone National Park and the Wind River Indian Reservation. All fishing regulations such as creel and size limits, gear restrictions, fishing hours, and stream closures still apply.

Free Fishing Day is also held in conjunction with National Fishing and Boating Week, June 3-11, and is designed to provide an opportunity for people to get reacquainted with fishing and enjoy Wyoming’s outstanding fishing opportunities.


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