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Explore the option of alternative route

I wish to comment on your article in the latest edition of the IR. I believe reports are spot on, as far as what is going on, and what will continue to happen. I was one of those affected by the latest road closure in the Wind River Canyon.  

Unfortunately, it seems as if WYDOT is just putting band-aids on a major wound. While I realize that any major fixes are going to be expensive, I believe that WYDOT needs to step up, do the right thing, and take care of the problems NOW! It is only going to get more expensive the longer we wait! There needs to be passing lanes put in, and the issue of the rock falls need to be addressed.

There are ways to fix these problems. Having worked in several different construction type trades, including in an underground hard rock mine, I know the solution is out there. Yes, again, it will be expensive. But, what happens if we need the canyon for access, ie ambulance calls if needed, ground transport for emergency patients if the airport is unable to be used, the list goes on.

I also believe the Big Horn Basin, and in particular, Hot Springs County, needs to explore the possibility of an alternative, all weather road out of the Southern/Eastern end of the Basin. I would propose that we work with Washakie county and Fremont county, and improve the road up Nowood Creek, over Cottonwood Pass, and down through Lost Cabin, Lysite, and Moneta. I realize this would add a bit of travel time, but it sure beats sleeping in your car/pickup, waiting for the canyon to open! The road from Moneta to Ten Sleep is approximately seventy miles long. Twelve miles of that road is paved from Moneta to Lost Cabin, and twenty miles of the road is paved from Ten Sleep to Big Trails. Therefore, thirty two miles of the seventy mile road are already paved. All of the rest of it is well graveled, and with the judicious use of snowplows, ect, I believe this road would be accessible year round. This would alleviate many problems for those of us who travel South to work, shop, go to doctors appointments, etc. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. Thank you to the IR staff for the great coverage of the on-going road work.


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