I am always amazed at how smart animals really are.
For instance, elephant mommies will stay with their babies if they’re in trouble and the rest of the herd gathers around to help.
Sea turtles on Roanoke are hatched on the beach and the babies somehow know how to use their tiny little flippers to move across the sand to the ocean.
Domestic animals are pretty smart, too.
Dogs are brilliant escape artists as evidenced by the number of them running happily about town according to page two of this newspaper.
My own little furballs are awfully bright.
My orange tiger, Punkin’, for example, learned that if he climbed the support beam on the carport that he would be able to roam freely on the roof of the house. Indeed, I was a bit freaked out hearing the pitter-patter of little feet through the ceiling until I figured out it was just chubby-butt checking out his kingdom.
My little one, Cupcake, is a mighty hunter, bringing me a variety of dead presents. Truly, I try not to scream when I find the exploded bird in the living room on nearly a daily basis, but sometimes, in the case of the dead mouse in the toilet – well, some things just require a female create some kind of squealing noise.
She is getting awfully clever, however.
Tuesday night I get home from work and all seems normal. Notice the little white feathers here and there. Follow said trail of feathers to the guest bedroom where they appear to stop next to the foot of the bed.
Apparently, hide and seek is the new game at my house.
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