by Mark Dykes
The costs paid by East Thermopolis, for the Thermopolis Police Department to provide services, could see an increase in the near future.
During Tuesday night’s meeting, Thermopolis Police Chief Steve Shay noted the contract with East Thermopolis will expire at the end of next month. The total budget, including police, dispatch, corrections and animal control, is $1,145,990. Of that, the East Thermopolis contract makes up $22,680.
Shay said a contract would need to be in place for services to continue, but since budget discussions are soon approaching he wanted to notify the council early.
Though no final decision was made as to the contract, there was a general indication by councilmembers to increase what East Thermopolis is paying. Discussion is expected in the next couple weeks between the town and East Thermopolis, to allow time for an agreement so both entities have information for their budgets.
In action, council approved a couple ordinances regarding liquor licenses. The first was to amend Town Code 3-107, concerning the number of bar and grill liquor license permits available to the town. The ordinance increases the number or permits from one to two.
As this was an emergency ordinance, it was approved on one reading instead of three because a new restaurant, Raptor’s, is set to open soon in the former home of A & W Lanes on Shoshoni. Representing the new business at the meeting were Julie Lehman and Tony Nettles. Lehman said the restaurant will have a dinosaur theme to it, but no opening date is set.
A second ordinance, approved on the first of three readings, makes operating hours and days uniform for all liquor licenses. The ordinance repeals town code sections 3-105 and 3-106 regarding operating hours. Amended code section 3-106(a) now reads any licensee may open a dispensing room no earlier than 6 a.m. and shall close the room and cease sale of alcoholic beverages no later than 2 a.m. the next day. Further, the licensee shall clear the dispensing room and permitted premises of all persons other than employees no later than 2:30 a.m.
In other action, catering permits were approved to allow Shorty’s Liquor Store to prove alcohol at: the Ramsey birthday party at the armory on June 10, the Hot Spot Car Rally in the state park June 17 and 18, the PRCA Rodeo at the fairgrounds June 23 and 24, and the PRCA dance following the rodeo, on June 24.
A right-of-way application was approved, to allow a four foot tall chain link fence to be built at 742 Amoretti.
In his report, Town Engineer Anthony Barnett noted there was an amendment regarding the landfill about a week ago, and supposedly by the end of the week there will be approval to go into a new cell, as soon as the remainder of the current cell is full.
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