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Plenty to do this weekend

As we come to the end of this Holy Week, you will be able to find a complete listing of services available at each of our local churches on the front page of this edition.

Along with church services, throughout these pages you will find all kinds of things to do, from egg hunts to a 5K walk/run and the Second Friday ArtStroll, plenty of things for everyone in the family to do as they gather for the weekend.

Whether your heart turns to a higher power or not, one thing is certain, life is renewing around us, from the new shoots of green grass to the tiny lambs and calves dotting the farms and ranches in the county.

Sure, our country roads may be muddy from spring rains, but temperatures are getting warmer every day and we’re seeing more sunshine than we have in months.

New leaves are budding on the trees and the earliest spring flowers are not far behind.

There are eggs to be found and bunnies to be cuddled. Its time to pull out the flip-flops.

Happy Easter and Happy Spring from all of us at the Independent Record.


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