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Wrestling club results from Cody tourney

Members of the Thermopolis Wrestling Club competed at the Cody Wrestling Club Tournament over the weekend. Results include:

Pee Wee: 35 Archer Price fourth; 40 Hoyt Peil second, Brayli Price third. Bantam 40-45: Garret White fifth. Bantam 55: Trevin Shaffer fourth. Bantam 65: Cannon Boren first. Bantam 70: Cannon Boren first. Intermediate 50: Lily Quintanilla second. Intermediate 65: Trae Owsley sixth. Intermediate 70: Colter Price fourth. Intermediate 80: Cody Bomengen fourth. Intermediate 87: Bridger Peil second. Novice 70: Dalton Price fifth. Novice 80: Daniel Blair sixth. Novice 95-100: Roedy Farrell first. Novice 105: Roedy Farrell first.

The TWC will be hosting their home tournament on Saturday, April 1.

They are looking for referees, table and concessions help and sponsors.

For more information, contact JW Buckner at (307) 752-7273 or 864-3775.


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