Having had the wonderful experience of living in Thermopolis for the past seven years, I've taken in much of the beauty from small hikes and walks around town, but there is so much yet to see.
Last weekend, on a beautifully warm Sunday afternoon, I decided to check out a hiking trail a friend suggested. It was called the Gooseberry Badlands and it was only 40 miles away. So, I grabbed my camera, a bottle of water for the 1.5-mile trail and my favorite music for the drive.
The directions are straight-forward: follow highway 120 West for about 33 miles and make a right onto WYO-431 East toward Worland, seven miles on the left is a parking lot with information on this scenic destination.
I reached 431 East and wondered what kind of interesting trails could possibly be among the hilly area with, what looked like, just plant-life.
Upon reaching the Gooseberry Badlands though, I was greeted with an "otherworldly" view of light and shadows dancing from unique rock formations, an amazing view of what appeared to be a huge hole dug in the ground by Earth's majestic forces and a skyline like nothing I'd ever seen.
The trail itself was well-maintained and not too difficult but I was sure to watch for rattlesnakes and brought plenty of water to combat the heat.
I'm not a geologist but it was easy pointing out the many different types of minerals hidden away through the cracks and crevasses as I made my way along the trail and would be a rock hunters dream.
The ambience of these Badlands was very quiet with the occasional car passing from the by-way and as the sun made its way to Noon it created sparkling features in the rocks. I can only describe this hike as what it may feel like to be an astronaut taking the first steps on Mars.
Something this close to Thermopolis and as surreal as it was must be experienced by everyone living in town, through my photos or by experiencing it yourself.
We are very lucky to be so close to beauty others only dream about and until you stop and open your eyes, it's easy to take it for granted.
So, I encourage you all to go on your own little adventures, take in some of these hidden gems and share your experiences with family and friends.
If you know of other great local nooks and crannies in Hot Springs County, feel free to email me at designer@thermopir.com
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