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Start getting ready for adult prom

Bust out the boutonnieres and corsages, dust off the dresses and schedule the tuxedo fitting, for the Freedom Ball Adult Prom March 25 at the Days Inn. The Big Horn Basin Riders motorcycle club is hosting the event, with proceeds going to send care packages to our men and women in uniform.

Jenni Dorman explained the Riders send monthly care packages to those currently enlisted in the United States Armed Forces, and those enlisted who have family here. For instance, she said, a grandmother here might have a grandson or granddaughter from another town or city who is enlisted; she can sign that grandchild up for care packages.

The monthly packages include anything that can fit inside a 12” by 12” box, Dorman said. Common items include toiletries, magazines, shirts, letters from home, cookies, gum, jerky and other food items. The only thing that can’t be sent is alcohol. Dorman noted they once shipped sagebrush, to remind the soldiers of home. The packages go out across the country and overseas.

The group spends about $600 a month to send the packages, and every December soldiers receive two — one with supplies, the other with wrapped presents.

The adult prom begins at 8 p.m., and tickets are $10 per person at the door, with no advance tickets sold. It’s open to the public, and those attending don’t have to be members of the Big Horn Basin Riders or even own a motorcycle. The fancy dress is optional as well, and people can dress casual if they want. Attendees can also bring items to be placed in care packages.

The evening will include snacks, a cash bar, a DJ with a variety of music, commemorative glasses available for purchase and a photo booth to capture the memories. Festivities are expected to finish up around 2 a.m.


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