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Your input is important

The growth of a community is directly related to the members of that community and the input they are willing to share when they have the opportunity.

A perfect example is Monday night’s public meeting regarding the future use of the former Hot Springs County Airport.

There were about 30 people in attendance at the meeting and their ideas ranged from simple things all the way to full-blown plans, all of which will be taken into consideration as the process winds down to the final decision.

These people were excited about the possibilities and even new ideas grew from the comments of others.

So often you’ll be sitting in a restaurant and overhear someone from the table next to you commenting about a new business idea or thoughts about what could be done with this empty lot or that abandoned property.

Then your mind starts whirling with ideas of your own, feeding off what you’ve just heard.

We have so many opportunities in Thermopolis to share those ideas, whether its at a public meeting like the one on Monday night, or just chatting with the mayor over coffee or an email to one of the county commissioners.

Just like there are no stupid questions, there are no stupid ideas when it comes to your community.

This is the place we call home, where we live, where we work, raise our children and build our lives.

This is our community and your input is important.


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