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Joint Powers Board selects land for discovery center

Thursday afternoon, the Big Horn Basin Nature and Discovery Center Joint Powers Board scouted a couple possible sites to build a children’s discovery center, deciding ultimately on the fenced in parcel east of the Chamber of Commerce, known as the Rio Drive In area.

Board Chair Toddi Darlington said the next step is to meet with Park Superintendent Kevin Skates to look at the land, start the process of getting utilities to the spot and determining where best to build the center.

Darlington explained the children’s center will be all educational, and feature components on subjects such as gardening, water and making things out of wood and rock. Also planned is a reproduction of a petroglyph wall, which might double as a climbing wall, and an archaeological pit where kids can dig for bones.

Darlington would like to see utilities put in at the site this summer. She noted the Joint Powers Board, in looking to the future and the Big Horn Basin Nature and

Discovery Center, chose to move ahead with the children’s discovery center.


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