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Chamber conducts award voting

The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce met briefly Thursday evening, prior to their Christmas party.

Among the proceedings was the vote for the 2016 Business, Citizen and Non-Profit Organization, and Chamber Executive Director Meri Ann Rush noted they had a past president, Reg Filkey, participate in this year’s voting. The winners will be announced at the Chamber Banquet March 18.

Also during the meeting, Rush reported there were only a couple ad spaces left on the upcoming maps. The maps have Thermopolis on one side and the county on the other, with advertisements around each. There are a 1.5 inch by two inch, and a 1.5 inch by four inch spot available.

Rush said those interested in advertising on the map should contact the Chamber office. She would like to have all ad spots filled soon, which will allow time for layout design and proofreading in March, with the maps printed in April. Rush also provided a recap of the recent solar eclipse meeting, and announced Philip Scheel as the board liaison for Travel and Tourism.

Having recently attended the Governor’s Conference Jan. 29-31 and the Wyoming State Chamber of Commerce meeting Feb. 1, Rush said there were great networking opportunities to utilize and some good breakout sessions.

The board still has three seats available, and Rush said anyone interested in filling them should contact the Chamber office at 864-3192.


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