For more than 100 years, the Wyoming Press Association has provided representation of Wyoming’s 45 newspapers, representing paper interests in lobbying, advertising and education. The association allows newspapers to speak with a unified voice on important matters.
Every year, the Wyoming Press Association provides another function — awarding its member newspapers in areas such as photography, advertisement, editorial matter and overall excellence during the annual winter convention.
Staff at the Independent Record attended the 2017 convention and received multiple awards to add to its already impressive record. For much of our staff, this convention wasn’t their first, while others had never been to a press convention, Wyoming or otherwise.
For all, it was truly a learning experience, as in addition to the awards given out there is opportunity to network with other newspapers and professionals, share experience and discuss ideas. While bringing home awards is definitely a highlight, these educational opportunities also provide us with the tools to keep this paper a shining leader in the community and the state.
To our readers, we appreciate the support you provide through subscriptions and advertising, as well as sharing your stories, photos and events that help make this paper a great publication. We look forward to serving this great community for many years.
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