The arrival of 2017 brought in a change in ownership at RoundTop Real Estate.
Mark and Kerri Manig took over the business at the start of the year from Steve and Jeannie Brown, though they're hardly new to the office with over two years working for RoundTop under their belts.
Mark noted he's had a lot of solo experience as a full-time private investor in Colorado, and he's always had an interest in real estate in one form or another. Steve and Jeannie offered them an opportunity here in Thermopolis, Kerri said, and they were getting ready to retire. Mark said this allowed them a chance to gain some experience, then transfer into the ownership role.
Between their experience as investors, Mark said, and the chance to help the community, they saw it as a perfect fit. He pointed out Kerri has a lot of experience in customer service, and she grew up in Thermopolis so there are plenty of community ties.
Kerri said RoundTop is an exceptional business, and they hope to continue that. As Steve and Jeannie are Kerri's parents, Mark noted you can see how real estate has really been in the family and they have quite a few years experience combined.
Jeannie added she and Steve started RoundTop in 2004, and though she started at the business as a secretary she had several years experience in the real estate game. They also previously worked with another agency in town. As for the switch in ownership, she's comfortable with Mark and Kerri taking the reins and keeping with the honest and ethical standards of the business.
RoundTop has a great reputation already, Mark said, and they want to continue that, keeping customer service as a primary focus. One key to RoundTop's success, he added, "is this is all family-owned and operated. When people come here, it's not like getting one agent. They're getting the whole crew working together."
Jeannie said there are no arguments over who is getting the clients.
"We trained these two well," Jeannie said, "because we knew they were going to take over the business. We put them in a situation where they did most of the work so they were trained well."
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