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Chamber board looks at financials following audit

by Mark Dykes

Thursday evening during the regular meeting, the Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce reviewed the quarterly financial report. Chamber Executive Director Meri Ann Rush noted there were some minor discrepancies between what she reported to the board at the end of September — the cutoff date for the audit — and the official report from the accountant.

Among those discrepancies was for $100 in regard to the Friends of Hot Springs State Park and Legend Rock. Rush explained in July it was discovered the Chamber accounting system was null and void at the end of the year, and there were some issues sending data. The payroll taxes line item was also impacted, causing a $20.28 discrepancy. A $500 discrepancy with regard to the demolition derby, Rush noted, was because she missed doing the credit for the cleaning deposit.

Rush said with the discrepancies taken into account the financial report balances to the penny.

With regard to the November monthly financials, the ending monthly balance is $12,647.75, the events account ending monthly balance is $9,971.74 and the credit card ending monthly balance is $100. As for these three reports, Rush foresees they will be eliminated and replaced by a computer-generated report once they get their Quickbooks software up and running after the start of 2017.

Also concerning financials, Rush pointed out there is a bigger transaction log this month “because we sold the heck out of Chamber Bucks.” She added it’s awesome that people are giving them as Christmas gifts, but every check issued has to have an individual entry. Rush explained each instance of Chamber Bucks is treated as a check, to where if people use only part of it for a purchase they will get cash back. Because of this, Chamber Bucks are given only in small increments to promote money staying in the community.

Rush also noted with the new Chamber Master website she is able to keep track of accounts receivable.

In other business, the board filled out more spaces on the 2017 Pay it Forward signup list. Through the monthly Pay it Forward, a business/organization is selected each month and on a chosen day any available board members stop by and expresses their appreciation.

The board also discussed board vacancies, with Rush noting an application from Daniel Bleak was received. The board approved the application and Bleak’s term will expire in October 2017.

Also during the meeting, Josiah Butler was introduced as the middle school representative. Butler had attended last month’s meeting, and Rush was excited to see he’s still interested in serving on the board. Kolby George is interested in being the high school representative.

Rush also reported the final profit from the demolition derby is $14,159.08, which is great because a $14,000 profit was budgeted.

Deb Tudor, reporting for Main Street Thermopolis, said next year’s Oktobrewfest is scheduled for Sept. 23, the fourth Saturday of the month. Tudor also noted there are still some 2016 Christmas ornaments available, and the Shop Small event was successful.

In her executive officer’s report, Tudor said it’s important to plan and execute business and personal goals for 2017 as the New Year approaches. This season includes not only the regular tourists, but those who are coming to see the eclipse.


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