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Council approves audit

Tuesday evening, the Thermopolis Town Council approved the audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2016, presented by Michael Wright of Koerwitz, Michel, Wright and Associates.

Wright said the financial statements are in compliance, and there are no issues or adjustments. He further noted any material compliance issues must be tested, and any noncompliance must be reported. With regard to the town audit, there is no noncompliance to report.

In terms of deficiencies, Wright pointed out there is a lack of segregation of duties in the business office. However, also included in the audit report is a letter from Clerk/Treasurer Tracey Van Huele, in which she states it is not cost effective, due to the size of the town, to maintain adequate segregation of duties as desired by governmental accounting standards, though town administration has instituted checks and balances to try and mitigate problems associated with the lack of segregation.

Among the financial highlights included in the audit were the assets of the town exceeding its liabilities at June 30 by a net $27,233,636. Of this amount $6,105,827 may be used to meet the government’s ongoing obligations to citizens and creditors

Another highlight is on June 30, the Town’s governmental funds reported total fund balances of $8,246, 087. Of this, $6,471,198 —unassigned fund balances —may be used to meet the general government’s spending requirements. The unassigned fund balance represents 241 percent of total General Fund expenditures.

During the year, the Town’s total debt decreased by $129,311. The Town paid down existing debt and did not issue any new debt.

In other action, a certificate of substantial completion regarding the million-gallon tank painting project was approved. Town Engineer Anthony Barnett noted the project was completed last Friday. A second pay estimate of $114,703.15 on the project had been previously approved.

Barnett also reported the treated water project completed during the summer required a reconciliation change order to account for some deductions and a difference in materials actually used for the project.

Barnett further noted, with regard to an upcoming treated water project, a public hearing is required to fulfill funding application regulations. The application has to be in by Jan. 16; the hearing has to be advertised for 15 days prior to it.

It was indicated the hearing would be during the council’s Jan. 3 meeting.

The council approved a temporary memorandum of understanding, to carry through until the next budget year, with the Town of East Thermopolis.

Police Chief Steve Shay explained for the department to provide law enforcement for East Thermopolis, the memorandum has to be in place. As he was looking through some things, he discovered the last memo expired in 2009. A copy of the memo was also presented to East Thermopolis.

Director of Public Works Ernie Slagle provided an update on the landfill track loader having some transmission issues. Slagle said the machine is back from being repaired in Casper. It was determined the main seal was out and other seals looked bad, and a wiring harness was in bad condition. The total repair was about $10,000, though a full transmission repair was estimated at $40,000.

An agreement for consulting services for Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2017, with Brad Johnson of Covenant Insurance Group, was approved. Mayor’s Assistant Fred Crosby noted the contract is $4,500, and Johnson has been extremely helpful.

A motion was approved to provide Dec. 23 and 26 as the days off for the Christmas holiday. However, a motion to provide some extra compensation through additional vacation, for those working the actual holiday on Dec. 25, failed 1-4 after discussion as to what would be fair compensation, and whether such action would be feasible.


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