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Have a little fun with your cheese

Do you have that one person on your Christmas list that is impossible to buy for? You know, the one who already has everything or is so picky about what they have that you finally give up and just give them a gift card?

Yeah, we’ve all got one.

Me, I’m pretty easy to buy for. No matter what my kids have bought me for Christmas, I’ve always loved it, even if it was just a drawing they did or the requisite colored macaroni necklace.

The snub-nosed .38 and mop I got for Mother’s Day from my ex was probably not a smart move, however.

Well this year I can honestly say “I have seen everything.”

Maybe you’ve seen it, too – the hot glue gun for cheese, called the “Fondoodler”.

Yep, hot glue gun for cheese.

You load it up with your favorite cheese, wait three minutes and you can “doodle” your way through those holiday crackers with smiley faces, roses or whatever strikes your fancy.

It lets you create homemade Cheez Whiz!

Just imagine the possibilities. Blowing blue-cheese daisies on that hamburger. Happy Birthday scrolled across that sub sandwich with Havarti. Little dots of cheddar on your apple pie.

At my house it would probably digress into the kids taking turns squirting it into each other’s mouths.

For that person on your list who has everything. You can thank me later.


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