Referencing the recent Rex’s Ramblings column, it’s obvious on which side of the political aisle he stands. It’s obvious that the author still reads from the tired old Democrat playbook - the one Democrats relied on to defeat President-Elect Trump (oops, that didn’t work for them, did it?). The playbook that states it doesn’t matter if a charge is true or false, what’s important is the seriousness of the charge.
Of course, as with all trumped-up charges brought to every election season in October by the Democrats, the charges have been proven false. Unfortunately for the Democrats, this time the tactic backfired big time, helping to elect President-Elect Trump.
The author twice references the “filthiest campaign in most people’s memory.” While the author savages President-Elect Trump, he ignores the truly filthy candidate, Hillary Clinton, and all her illegal activities. Her bag of dirty tricks was thrown first at Bernie Sanders, then she tried to besmirch President-Elect Trump. Unfortunately for her and the Democrats, the truth overcame their filthy tactics. Nothing they tried stuck, and that too backfired on Clinton and the Democrats.
But the election results didn’t stop the dirty tricks. Now protesters, paid for by the Democrats, rampage through the big Democrat-controlled cities, destroying property and endangering innocent civilians and first responders. That after paying protesters to try to disrupt Trump rallies during the campaign (didn’t work, did it?).
Get over it. Trump won, Clinton lost. When Obama was elected in 2008 and 2012, the Republicans didn’t hire protesters to rampage through the streets of the large US cities. But see a Republican win, and boy, the Democrats just can’t take it, and have to pay protesters and anarchists to destroy THEIR OWN CITIES! It is laughable, except for the pain caused to the business owners who suffered losses because of the protesters, and the real dangers posed to the first responders by those criminals.
But all is well, really. President-Elect Trump will see to that. It is heartening to know that the mainstream media will never influence the actions of the next president, as they did in the past eight years. Four years from now, the country will look back on 2009-2016 (Obama’s administration) as the worst economy since the Great Depression, as we revel in the new, vibrant economy given us by President-Elect Trump. That’s a win-win, Rex.
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