Though it always feels a bit redundant when I say it — especially considering the season we’re in — I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone to be thankful. Like I said, redundant, with the great “turkey day” less then 48 hours away.
I, like many of you, am grateful for my family and friends, who are just a drive across town, a phone call or an email away. I’m especially looking forward to spending a few days with my in-laws, enjoying the ham, turkey, potatoes, and everything that goes along with it.
It’ll be an interesting one for sure, as of last count the number of guests numbered 20-plus, all in a three-bedroom ranch house — that’s not including the animals, which adds another five at least, in varying shapes, sizes and species.
And here’s the real kicker — since it’s going to be one of the few times everyone can get together, it means we’re going to celebrate Christmas a couple days after Thanksgiving. Though it seems a bit hectic, I’m truly looking forward to spending a few days with people I love and don’t see nearly enough of.
I’m also looking forward to what my brother-in-law Mike has up his sleeve for me this year. Though I’ve desperately insisted he not get me anything, he really believes in sharing. This has been a true test of my thankfulness, as these “gifts” have gone from amusing “Hello Kitty” items, to pictures of him in his old football jersey that REALLY doesn’t cover him very well, to last year’s collection of pictures from a recent medical procedure. Yes, I am thankful for his humor, and to know there isn’t any cancer in certain parts of him.
Though this season reminds us of it, being thankful isn’t just for a day or two during the year, and not just for those times when we get something we want or think we deserve. It should be an everyday occurrence. Had a bad day at work? Be thankful you have a job. If you’re reading this, be thankful you have not only the opportunity but also the ability.
There are many people who are truly lacking in this world, whether it be employment, food, shelter or just an ear to listen to. If you’ve been able to name everything on your list you’re thankful for — twice — or you’re having trouble finding a reason, maybe look at how you can help another be thankful for you. One of the easiest ways is volunteering at your church or with organizations such as People for People. Heck, you might even just strike up a conversation with someone sitting alone, and make his or her whole day.
I hope this holiday season finds you well, and aware of the blessings in your life. Enjoy the season, be safe, and be blessed.
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