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Travel and Tourism discusses video

Tuesday at the Hot Springs Travel and Tourism meeting, the board approved entering into a contract with Durward Jones, to produce a video and commercial for Thermopolis, though they will invite him to the next meeting to answer any additional questions. The contract was approved so Jones can get started in filming events, as they will be the focus of the video; in order to incorporate all the events, the initial filming will be a yearlong process. The contract, which will not exceed $4,500, will provide the board with a three-minute video with a 30-second polished video attached, as well as raw footage.

Director Amanda Moeller said the video would encompass all of the events the town has, with emphasis on those that Travel and Tourism funds. Board President Carl Leyba suggested the video be something of a collage of the town, to spark people’s interest. He noted there are several things that might be added to a commercial, that people would see and want to know more about. There was also some discussion regarding inclusion of area scenery.

In other action, the board voted on the 2016-17 officers, nominating Kevin Skates for president, Rick Tudor for vice president, Angie Guyon for secretary and Bre Mead for treasurer. The board will officially vote on the slate of officers at their next meeting.

The board approved moving $1,240 from the contingency to restore the fading McCumber billboard north of town. Moeller noted the billboard features the “Funopolis” logo and a family swimming. Had the board chosen to go with a different look, the cost would’ve been $100 more.

Moeller and Guyon spoke on the Keys to the City. Through the campaign, visitors can receive key chains from local hotels, and use them to receive discounts at participating business. However, the key chains for this year are not here yet. Should they come in the next couple weeks, the campaign would begin Dec. 1. Though this is later than originally planned, the end date will also be extended to the end of February.

The board also discussed putting together a package, on behalf of Travel and Tourism, to promote Thermopolis. The package would be auctioned off by the Wyoming Lodging and Restaurant Association Education Foundation, during the 2017 Governor’s Salute the Industry Gala event on Jan. 31. Moeller said she would really love to put something together for a Thermopolis “trip.” Among the items suggested were goods or gift certificates from local businesses, a couple nights stay at a local hotel or swimming passes.

Barb Heinze later noted her sister and brother-in-law, in Denver, put together a Thermopolis trip package for a separate fundraiser auction, and it sold for about $10,000. If people who win such trips come here and have a good time, she noted, it sets up for the package to be on the auction block at future events.

Guyon reported the recent Dining with Dinosaurs Gala had a good turnout, with 110 meals served and bookings for about 30 hotel rooms.


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