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New Chamber website launched

Those who have utilized the Thermopolis-Hot Springs County Chamber of Commerce website in the past week might have noticed a very different online experience. The site was launched Tuesday, Nov. 8, and viewable the following day.

Chamber Executive Director Meri Ann Rush said one of the more noticeable updates to the site has to do with the events calendar. Previously on a multi-page list, which often required people to know which date they were looking for, the new site displays the whole month on one page, with events listed each day. Each event is still clickable, for more information.

Rush pointed out the new site is also a time saver for the office. She explained Office Assistant Jessica Slagle would previously recreate the calendar on a legal sheet, and copies were made for the newsletter. For the December letter, Rush plans to print off the calendar to show everyone what it looks like.

Another time saver concerns member renewal, as Rush had to go in to four different places to log a renewal using the old site; now, there’s only one.

The ultimate goal, Rush said, is to have people familiar enough with the site that they can submit their own information for events, making the site that much more interactive for the community.

Other features of the site include links to members’ Facebook pages and websites; members can also send in pictures to the Chamber to use. Members will also be able to post job openings, if they have them.

“We really want people to look at it,” Rush said, and provide feedback. Though there has ben some training on the site, Rush said it is still new to everyone. If anyone has any questions, they are encouraged to stop by the Chamber or call 864-3192.


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