Recently the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Thermopolis underwent a reorganization in leadership. Bishop Duane Maddock explained in the church, leaders are not paid, and therefore the leadership is reorganized roughly every five years. Because of the growth of the membership in the area of Thermopolis - known as the Thermopolis Ward, located within the Worland Stake - it was necessary to divide the ward to create the Owl Creek Branch.
Maddock was called to serve as the bishop for the Thermopolis Ward, while Cody Tillack was called to be the Owl Creek Branch President.
Maddock is from Cokeville, Wyo., but moved to Thermopolis about five years ago. He and his wife, Cindy, have five children, two of whom currently attend Hot Springs County High School. He and his brothers have an oil and gas service company.
He was raised a member of the Latter-day Saints Church, and served a full-time mission in Seoul West, Korea; another of his children is currently serving in Madrid, Spain.
Maddock attended Ricks College and graduated from Utah State University with a degree in ag business and ag economics. He added he was raised in agriculture and has a hobby place here, north of town.
Tillack has lived here for just over five years, having moved here from southern California. He has a small business here in town, and he and his wife, JoEllen, have five children. As with Bishop Maddock, Tillack was born and raised in the church. He also attended Ricks College, Brigham Young University in Idaho, and went on to attend Weaver State in Utah. He worked in California 22 years before coming here.
Both church leaders noted how close they came to meeting at Ricks College, and planned to catch up later.
Though the leadership roles are reorganized, the mission of the church hasn't. Maddock explained the church is a worldwide organization, and is very organized and consistent with its policies. Tillack added the only difference is the areas they are responsible for. The share the same building, with one performing Sunday services at 9 a.m., the other at 1 p.m. Youth groups meet at 7 p.m. Wednesdays.
Among the duties of the church, Maddock said, is stewardship of leading the business of the church. They oversee several auxiliary organizations, which serve in various capacities, as well as finances and record keeping. One of their direct assignments is to work closely with the youth, and they are also responsible for people's spiritual and physical welfare.
Maddock noted there are systems in the church to help care for the poor and needy, and he and Tillack oversee those programs.
Those interested in learning more about the church are invited to visit with Elders Bredsguard and Lester, or any church member.
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