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Madness marks start of holiday season

Last Thursday, the downtown became a haunt for goblins, witches, dragons and creatures of all shapes and sizes during the annual Moonlight Madness. Main Street Treasurer and Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Meri Ann Rush said the event went really well.

Past years have seen a Trunk or Treat event, but this year also included a street closure for it. Rush noted the people and businesses participating were very busy, with some even running out of candy. Likewise, the costume contest had an abundance of contestants, several partook of the tacos prepared by the Masons and the piñata bash, and there were lines for the H.O.P.E Agency haunted house, the haunted bus tours and the pictures by Shailee Harvey.

Rush added she stopped in some of the businesses, and they were very busy.

As much fun as the Halloween-themed event was, it's just the kickoff for the holiday season around Thermopolis, and for the 21 Days of Christmas done by the Chamber and Hot Springs Travel and Tourism.

During the 21 Days, participating businesses will provide tickets to their customers for purchases they make. Customers get one ticket for every purchase, and there will be drawings for Chamber Bucks later this month at Bi-centennial Park. Amounts drawn for will be: $200 on Nov. 26, $300 on Dec. 3 and $500 on Dec. 10. The Nov. 26 is at 6 p.m., with the others at 2 p.m., and ticketholders must be present to win.

November 26 also marks the kickoff to Shop Small. The campaign, done by American Express, emphasizes shopping at local stores, and Rush noted it's a chance to promote the businesses that promote the community. People are encouraged to take selfies at businesses, and a scavenger hunt is planned.

Also, the evening of Nov. 26, the holiday lights will be turned on downtown, there will be the crowning of the Snow King and Queen, and Mr. and Mrs. Claus will visit.

This year will feature a new addition to the activities, as the Thermopolis Volunteer Fire Department will provide a safety demonstration showing how quickly a Christmas tree can go up in flames. The demonstration will be on Fifth Street, with a street closure south from Broadway to the alley to provide space. After the demonstration, the Clauses will be available to take pictures with kids and hear their wish lists.

Rush noted there will also be a pole decorating contests, and burn barrels like there have been in past years.

Anyone interested in getting in on helping with the festivities is encouraged to contact the Chamber at 864-3192.


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