Hot Springs County Planner Bo Bowman presented a plat for the Fantaskey Subdivision, located within one mile of Kirby, before the County Commissioners on Tuesday.
The Fantaskey Subdivision asked for the approval of a preliminary subdivision plat dividing 35.2 acres into two lots of approximately 16.4 acres and 18.8 acres as well as a land use change to reclassify the property as residential, Bowman said. The land for the subdivision is owned by Mathew P. and Gina M. Fantaskey.
Bowman said the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the proposal subject with five conditions of approval. 1) The preliminary plat shall expire one year after the date of approval. The final plat for the subdivision shall be submitted for the County's review and approval prior to that expiration. 2) A weed management plan shall be submitted for the review and approval of staff. 3) A notation shall be placed on the final plat stating that any future septic system on either lot must be permitted through the Hot Springs County Planning Office. 4) The access drive shall be surfaced in gravel or a similar all-weather material and a Maintenance Agreement shall be executed for all users of the drive. 5) The final subdivision plat shall contain a notation stating that the owners of Lots 1 and 2 are obligated to participate in a Maintenance Agreement with the other users of South Bryan Road (also known as Old Highway 20), providing for the shared maintenance and repair of that road, should such an agreement become necessary.
County Attorney Jerry Williams said there needs to be a second document filed along with the memorandum for the subdivision, because it will affect the rights of land outside the subdivision.
Chairman John Lumley said there was a level of discomfort with the current documents as presented.
Commissioner Brad Basse said he was concerned with legal access to the lots. Vice Chairman Tom Ryan agreed with the board and said he thinks a public right-of-way should be filed as Williams suggested.
Lumley said they want to table it for a month until they get more information. Bowman then asked if it could be sooner. Lumley agreed to table it until the Sept. 20 meeting.
Emergency Management Coordinator Bill Gordon presented the board with a memorandum of understanding the purpose of which is to provide an agreement between Hot Springs County and the Hot Springs County Fire District. This will include the installation and housing of computer equipment maintained and owned by Hot Springs County and will provide a safe and secure off-site backup location for county data. It will also include access to and use of pre-designated areas of the Firehall for County Offices to access their computer records and carry on business should it be necessary for one or more of them to vacate their offices elsewhere. The MOU was approved by the board.
Gordon also spoke about the Emergency Management Preparedness Grant. He said the grant pays for 50 percent of the budget, and is matched by the county. The board approved the 50 percent match in the amount of $23,475.
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