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Two on the ticket for District 28

Two candidates are on the primary ballot for the Wyoming State Representative of House District 28 - Nathan Winters and Howard Samelson. Both will advance to the general election in November.

Republican candidate Winters, who has served as State Representative the past four years, stated he has worked to preserve a sound budget and stand for the principles he outlined in 2012 - upholding Constitutions of the U.S. and Wyoming, limiting government, working toward a business-friendly environment, upholding Second Amendment rights, ensuring local control in education and maintaining multiple use of public lands.

Winters graduated from high school in Cheyenne and has a bachelor's degree in Theology and a master's degree in Religious Education. He is a pastor at the First Baptist Church, and works extensively as a speaker and teacher. He also served as the chairman of the Hot Springs County Republican Party and as parliamentarian for the Wyoming Republican Party.

Democratic candidate Samelson stated the most important issues for his campaign are individual freedoms, public lands staying public, local institutions being locally managed and developing economic diversification.

Additionally, he also supports the Second Amendment and encourages those struggling to end gun violence to begin a dialogue on methods by which safety and individual rights can be protected.

Though Samelson - who stated he wants to make change in the district - is, among other things, president of the Hot Springs County Greater Learning Foundation, a board member for Main Street Thermopolis and the Discovery Center Joint Powers and a member of the Gift of the Waters Pageant Committee. He was also on the platform committee at the Wyoming Democratic Convention.


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