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Community service project idea

It was with much anticipation that I was able to attend alumni weekend in Thermopolis this year.  Old friends are the best friends and we were all so pleased to renew these friendships and share our memories, as well as catch up with all that was new in the lives of our friends.

There were 50 in the class of 1951 that May 15. There are 23 of us remaining, and 12 were able to attend at least one of the activities this year and we were surprised to see ours was the oldest of the classes honored. I am sure many of us wondered if there would be a reunion for us in 2021.

We were all interested to see the changes that had taken place since we were there last. It was with sadness that I saw how dirty the glass in the wrought iron street lamps was. I am sure these lamps were expensive for the town to buy and install. If the street department has no funds in its budget to clean the glass, maybe the businesses or homeowners that are hosts to the lamps could step in to clean them. Is there a committee or organization who can take on this project as a community service? 

A big thank you should go out to the people who organized the weekend, as well as those who went out of their way to  be so welcoming!  So many say you can’t go back — but we did!

Noreen Pramberg

Exeter, N.H.


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