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Behavior of political candidates questioned

Has the American voting public become so jaded and cynical that we are no longer shocked or saddened by the behavior of our political candidates? Have we now become only the arbiters of who is totally unfit to hold important offices, and then to vote for the least unfit amongst those who have revealed their true nature by their words or actions? I refuse to vote from fear or anger for an opposition candidate in any race at any level. Further, it is, in my view, totally out of touch with the meaning of Constitutional Democracy to assume the morality of selecting political leaders on any basis but competence and effectiveness in serving the citizenry and meeting the responsibilities of the office in question.

Character and personality certainly play a role in their selection, but it is the manner of politics now to amplify to an enormous extent the weaknesses of candidates while ignoring facts that otherwise tend to refute or explain those weaknesses, or explanations by the individuals themselves which impact on the issues at the heart of their campaigns. When is it ever right to attempt to mislead and manipulate the public one chooses to serve? When is it ever right to spin facts to suit whatever view one wishes to extol without any consideration for truth or those affected by the issue? Is willfully stating errors as facts ever excused by pleading ignorance of the reality, and then backtracking only when caught, and then “doubling down?"

One candidate offended me with his imitation of an American with a physical handicap. I’m not married to a pig, but to a gentle, loving woman who lights up my life. Gold Star Mothers have a volume of grief, enough that they don’t need more for political expediency. I count amongst my friends many of those insulted in so many different ways by this man's ability to get both feet into his mouth at the same time; but, all this would not keep me from voting for him if it was clear that he would be more effective, and provide the country with needed leadership greater than his opponent. But even after him telling me of his greatness, and that he’s the only one who can solve the problems facing us, I continue to doubt his claims.

Another candidate has one inescapable negative. She’s been in the public eye for some 30 years. Her record in supporting the rights and lives of children is unassailable. Her toughness (which seems to be an issue only with a woman) in facing up to Chinese officials in China, a Russian dictator who now really knows first hand that flattery will get him nowhere, and military leaders who have served with her in furthering our foreign relations who are now positive in their assessments of her work ethic and judgment. Did she lie? Are her lies worse than another candidate's misstatements, cruelty towards others, lack of cogent policies for the problems facing us, lack understanding of world politics, tendency to insult and belittle foreign leaders, and grandiose claims of messiahship in fixing all our many problems which only he can do upon his ascension to the Presidency.

God bless this country and its people. It may be wise to remember a foreign visitor's assessment: This is a good people and a great country. When the people stop being good, the country will stop being great.

Rex Clothier


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