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Wyoming's first storytelling circle

If you ever sat around a campfire and listened to stories of the ones that got away, you know the spell of a good yarn.

Wyoming’s first Storytelling Circle, “Hear Me Now” will be held Aug. 6-7 in Hot Springs State Park as part of the Big Horn Basin Folk Festival. The concept of a “storytelling circle” harks back to the days of campfires and tipis.

“Hear Me Now” is Wyoming’s newest effort to share and celebrate our own stories — those that are true (or mostly so), as well as those we imagine.

Stories are the oldest form of art and one of the most powerful. We are introduced to “Once upon a time” and “happily ever after” in our cribs. And from there, stories grow rapidly and rampantly. Rodeo, ranching, mining, the oil patch — holidays and hunting, food and family, births and birthdays — we store those memories up; and if our family and friends are lucky, we may share them on special occasions. But too often the stories go untold and are ultimately lost.

The event is sponsored by Hot Springs Greater Learning Foundation and the newly formed Big Horn Basin Storytellers Guild. It is funded by a ThinkWyoming grant from the Wyoming Humanities Council. Additional support comes from the National Endowment for the Arts and Wyoming Arts Council.

Spencer Bohren, nationally known musician and storyteller from Casper, will moderate the all-day event. Providing a round-robin of stories will be members of the newly-formed Big Horn Basin Storytelling Guild — Michelle King, Basin; Catherine Ringler, Powell; Marilyn Braaten, Thermopolis; and Jennisen Lucas, Cody.

There will also be cameo appearances by Echo Klaproth, Shoshoni, former Wyoming poet laureate and Dick Hall, Thermopolis, cowboy poet.

Mike Hurwitz, Alta, one of Wyoming’s well known singer-songwriters has agreed to “sit in a short spell” and tell a story or two, accompanied only by his guitar; his dog declined.

Karl Milner, Gillette, who specializes in mountain man skills, will add a story or two from the mountain man era.

Annie Hatch, Wyoming Arts Council folk arts specialist, will add a bit of historical perspective on the art of Wyoming storytelling.

Miss V, alias “The Gypsy Cowbelle,” will talk about her adventures homesteading in Wyoming.

As a special feature, Spencer Bohren will perform his nationally acclaimed “Down the Dirt Road Blues,” 11:45 a.m.-12:45 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 7, in the storytelling tent. Bohren uses historic music instruments as he tells the story of how one song moved from its African roots to blues to rock and roll.

“Hear Me Now” is free and of interest to all ages. “Come sit a spell” and — if you are so inclined — you can tell your own tale — true or otherwise — during open microphone opportunities.

“Hear Me Now” Storytelling Circle will begin at 11:30 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 6, after the downtown parade, and close at 4 p.m. It will begin at 10 a.m. on Sunday morning and close at 4 p.m. Sunday afternoon.

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