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Final reunion of 300th Battalion

The 300th Armored Field Artillery Battalion held their final reunion at Stones Throw on July 12. Many living members of the 300th Battalion and their family members attended the reunion.

The 300th Armored Field Artillery Battalion fought in the Korean War, with the Battery "A" Personnel activated for Korea on Aug. 14, 1950.

In February of 1951, some of the Battalion shipped out of Thermopolis via train to fight in the Korean War. Upon returning from the war, the unit held yearly reunions, the first of which was held in Thermopolis. It had become tradition to hold the reunions in Thermopolis ever since.

On Tuesday, members of the 300th Battalion met to have drinks, food and reminisce about their days in Korea. Music was performed for the Battalion by Eric Kay.

Bob James showed other members of the Battalion who attended the reunion the Ambassador for Peace Medals he received two weeks prior and explained to the men where they, too, could receive their medals in Casper.

James said that every member of the 300th Battalion survived the Korean War.

Earl Hummel said he was glad to be a part of the last reunion.

"I'm glad to be here," he said. "I'm glad to be one of the survivors."

Chuck Jones made ink pens for every member who attended the final reunion.

Surviving members of the 300th Battalion include Bob Brown, Pete Cavalli, John Dodge, Earl Hummel, Bob James, Chuck Jones, Dean Mills, Gene Smith, Bob Whitt and Mops Wilds.

Deceased members of the 300th Battalion include Marion Andreen, Bryson Bain, Leonard Bell, Alvin Blakesley, Ike Blakesly, Ken Boyer, Jim Burnell, Don Cox, Howard Cox, Beny Crow, Bill Dillard, Jim Duncan, Chink Fields, Johnny Galac, John Gosney, Art Gossens, Clarence Hall, Bud Hancock, Jim Harris, Bob Heron, Ed Johnson, Roland Johnson, Tritz Jurovich, Mudo Jurovich, Ken Laverents, Charlie Lollar, Frank Manning, Ray Maret, Conrad Mayfield, Delmer Mentch, Chuck Mills, Earl Myers, Ray Peterson, Gerry Peyton, Jack Prickett, George Quarles, Jim Radovich, Moe Radovich, Chuck Ray, Al Remsburg, Dick Robertson, George Romagno, Paul Romagno, George Rushin, Glidden Sanford, Bob Scoggins, Walt Slane, Clyde Smith, Dennis Snyder, Bob Titus, Jack Toth, Ed Vandusen, Slim Whitt and Bill Whitt.


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