Senior citizens are getting a chance to improve their strength and balance through the use of some TRX suspension training equipment at Gottsche.
Wellness Director Shayla Upton said she just started teaching the class in May, and they meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:15 a.m. She further explained there was some grant money available to spend on the seniors, and she chose the TRX program, which utilizes two bands hung from an overhead bar and body weight resistance training.
"Right away, it was pretty popular," Upton said, and they have a lot of fun. There are definite benefits to balance and overall core strength from using the system. She plans to continue the class as long as there is interest.
Currently there are only seven bands, so there are only seven spots available per class, but they're always full. Upton would like to get some additional bands to expand the program. She already plans to bring in a Yoga TRX program, which would involve more Yoga-based stretching.
To prepare to bring the program to Gottsche, Upton did a lot of research on it and trained herself. As a certified personal trainer, she said she would not teach any program she's not comfortable with.
Senior class member Ron Philips said the TRX is a good program, and one that can adjust to a person's ability. He further explained how far a person leans can determine the resistance they get. Audrey Philips said, "I like it, and I can do it." She added the class is a fun group. Both noted thee improvement they've seen in their cores as well as their balance since they started.
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