The Thermopolis Community Blood Drive by United Blood Services will be from 2-6 p.m. July 18 at the Hot Springs County Senior Center.
Hot Springs County Hospital Auxiliary member Melene Mierzejewski said Thermopolis is scheduled for a blood drive every two months. In May, only two people donated, Mierzejewski said. She said at this drive, at least 25 units need to be donated.
Mierzejewski said at least 25 pints are needed at each drive to keep the blood drive going in Thermopolis.
United Blood Service Coordinator for the State of Wyoming Sandy Thomas said Thermopolis used to be the number one donator in the Big Horn Basin.
“They are in need of all blood types,” Mierzejewski said. “To get more than 25 units would be fabulous. This is vital and important for Hot Springs County.”
The Hot Springs County Hospital Auxiliary has been participating in these blood drives for over 20 years, and would hate to see it come to an end, Mierzejewski said.
To set up an appointment for the blood drive, individuals can call Mierzejewski at 307-240-1414 or they can do so online at using the sponsor code “Thermopolis.” Individuals can also do the pre-check self-interview so they will not have to wait 40 minutes before giving blood at the drive by visiting
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