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Protected and served

I’m one of those people who, when pulled over by an officer of the law, my mind scrambles. Sometimes I’m wondering what I did wrong; others, I’m thinking about what sympathies I might play on. Regardless, the end result is usually a bit of grumbling on my part about why we need to have these uniformed officers keeping an eye on everything.

Of course I know they are there to protect and serve, but it’s always good to have a reminder of what those words mean. Last Thursday saw the Thermopolis Police Department, Hot Springs County Sheriff’s Office and Wyoming Highway Patrol teaming up to catch two people who took a motorcycle joyride that involved our little community and a quick trip through Hot Springs State Park.

As a newspaper, the staff here was, of course, listening intently to our scanner to hear the developments of the chase around town. Though plenty exciting, and not the typical chatter we hear come across, one moment sticks out more in my mind than the rest.

As the speeding cycle — along with its team of pursuers — made its way into town, repeated calls came over for officers to disengage. While I initially questioned why they would give off the chase when they were so close, the answer was clear. They wanted these two, but not enough to force them to continue their speed through the streets and cause more damage, more injury, even death.

In the end, the partnership of local, county and state law agencies — with a few assists from the public they swear to protect and serve — brought the high-speed rider and his passenger in, and the streets were safe again, just in time for the holiday weekend.

So, the next time you see an officer of the law, whether it be walking down the street, or even with their flashers reflecting in your rearview mirror, keep in mind they are there for a reason and I, for one, am glad they take that oath “…to protect and serve.”

Mind you, I’ll still probably grumble whenever I have to sign my name to a ticket — old habits and all.


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