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Chamber looks at action plan

The Thermopolis-Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce had plenty of discussion at their June 9 meeting, regarding the 2016-17 action plan. The document calls for projects in terms of membership, economic development, community resource, events, fiscal responsibility and volunteers, though Chamber Executive Director Meri Ann Rush explained these six goals were identified a few years ago.

Rather than address all of them at the same time, Rush said, it was discussed during a work session to address a couple topics at a time, to where they are fully understood and completed before moving on. The two topics being addressed are membership and economic development.

With regard to membership, the action plan calls for assessment of the penetration rate — membership — for the county, development of a plan for increasing the penetration rate and visiting with perspective members. The economic development action plan includes keeping the website updated, maintaining the Facebook page, promotion, updating relocation packets and maintaining partnership with EDC, LTB and the Town of Thermopolis by attending meetings when possible.

It was mentioned during the meeting that is the job of the Chamber members to look at their online presence — such as the Chamber site or Facebook page — and address issues they might see.

The board plans to look at and discuss the action plan during the monthly meetings.

A list of events for 2016-17 was also provided, and includes: Meet the Candidates in July; the Pageant Day Parade and Demolition Derby in August; Oktobrewfest and an event for information on ballot issues in September; Moonlight Madness in October; Shop Small Saturday and 21 Days of Christmas in November; the annual Chamber Banquet in March; the annual Chamber Board meeting and Antique Road Show in April; and People of the Earth Days in June.

Another big topic of discussion was the total eclipse happening Aug. 21, 2017. According to handouts at the meeting, the eclipse will begin at 10:20 a.m. in Thermopolis, with totality — the moon fully obscuring the sun — at 11:40 a.m. and lasting for less than one minute.

There have been meetings among the Chamber, Shoshoni Chamber, Hot Springs State Park and Boysen State Park, Rush said, to plan events for the days prior to the eclipse.

In Casper, Rush noted, the population is expected to raise by 60,000 with the amount of people coming to see the eclipse, and a population boom is expected for here as well.

“They are comparing it to Woodstock and Sturgis combined,” Rush said, and having so many people means looking at handling things such as traffic, security, bussing people to where the eclipse is more visible, room accommodations and emergency services.

Rush further said they have been visiting with Scott Mecca, who is really into astronomy and star parties and is a consultant. His fee, she added, would be $5,000, but she is confident there would be sponsors to cover it; however, 45 days after signing a contract with Mecca he requires $3,500 of that fee.

Also at the meeting, the Chamber approved the bylaws with a couple modifications. Rush explained one bylaw, regarding composition of duties and powers, was modified to where directors need only be paid regular members, eliminating a necessity they reside in Hot Springs County. A bylaw concerning amendments to the bylaws was also modified, to state that only two-thirds of the board of directors needs to be present to amend the bylaws.

The 2016-17 fiscal year budget of $167,315 — both for revenue and expenditures — was adopted. Rush noted the budget should be balanced to begin with, and she needed a form of the budget approved at the meeting, to begin operation July 1.

Also during the meeting, a board vacancy was discussed. The empty seat comes as the result of former Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital CEO Robin Roling. The Chamber accepted Roling’s resignation from the board, and Rush noted the board can appoint anyone to fill the position. Roling’s seat would expire Oct. 31, 2018, meaning anyone appointed would have the position two years. Member applications are available at the Chamber office.

Barb Heinze spoke with regard to the Chamber website, noting it is not performing well at all according to the data, though Rush noted the data recording and analytics were not set up correctly. Heinze added the site is very outdated for the technology of today, but pointed out that going with a professional webpage designer who would also monitor the site could cost up to $5,000. A decision on recreating or revamping the website will wait until more information and some bids could be collected.

Greg Willson spoke about the Economic Development Committee (EDC), noting the support EDC has given for the Hot Springs State Park Master Plan, and the Hot Springs County Memorial Hospital District and Specific Purpose Sales and Use Excise Tax.

Willson further clarified a misconception that the EDC’s entire purpose is to recruit businesses and bring them to town. In reality, he said, that is the last step; the first step is to have a business-friendly environment.

Phillip Scheel said the EDC’s support of the hospital district is a good thing, and noted his own personal support. He suggested the Chamber should show its support for the district, based on economics.


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